Monday, August 31, 2009

when i start college I would love to study criminology.

The government should learn how to decriminalize certain cities.

I hope I dont have to be incriminated when i go to court on friday.

when me and detective hit the crime sene we had to take an act of recrimination.

My couch told me to have great approbation when on the field.

We disprove of so many things that are child is doing as parents.

As a person i have great probity.

I think my brother has some reprobate problems.

Monday, August 24, 2009

jabriels home work

Jabriel jordan

Standing in line at the bank a man came in and put a gun to my and took me hostage.

My grandmother might have to go to a hospice but i dont approve of that.

When I was driving on the road i started to become very tired, so I stop at a hostel to stay over night.

Most poeple when walking on a public street have inhospitable manners.

when meeting new poeple I like to be amicable to them.

I find many girls to be enamored .

My older brother has very inimaical ways with me.

My best friend tells me that I am paramour to my loved ones.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prom Date

My idea for prom would be at the Bahamas with a dance floor and fruit drinks. We would have some of the best chefs in the world . I would start the cha cha slide. After the prom dance I would want everyone to go to K1 Racing. Then, I also would would want to go to a bowling alley. I might go to prom by myself, but if I were to go with someone, then I would want to go with DJ Major, maybe Chelsea, or with somebody else. Maybe in the future, I might go with someone I really care for!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2pacs death?

2pacs death?
Who kill 2pac shakur? Most people think that it was biggie smalls that killed Pac, but Biggie Smalls was in Brooklyn at the time in his studio hanging trying to stop the drama. Many people are on both sides of the story but the day of his death many citicens gathered and held candles in remembrances’ of 2pac.
I always wondered who in the world killed 2pac. The first time 2pac was shot he was entering the studio where which I thick was also a club on the bottom level. As 2pac entered the building to start his next album, one of his good friends look out the window just to see who down stairs and he realized that 2pac was down their so he called him up. As soon as 2pac entered the building he was shot 5 times and twice in the head so why wouldn’t it seem like a set to 2pac. Then 2pac was shot again and this was his death ,he was 25 . Know I understand why their was drama beteen the east coast and the west coast and it is still going on!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4th quarter goals

This quarter, I will focus on making an effort at every assinment in Miss Priester's class. In order to achieve this, I will take my time and stay focused on my work.

This quarter, I will behave like I'm expected to. In order to achieve this, I will think things through and pay attention in class.

This quarter, I will make sure I do all of my classwork and all of my homework. In order to achieve this, I will ask for help and try my best.

Monday, March 2, 2009

"response to president obama"

“In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a prerequisite.

It is our responsibility as lawmakers and as educators to make this system work. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it. So tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. . . . And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It's not just quitting on yourself, it's quitting on your country – and this country needs and values the talents of every American.

These education policies will open the doors of opportunity for our children. But it is up to us to ensure they walk through them. In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a parent – a mother or father who will attend those parent/teacher conferences, or help with homework after dinner, or turn off the TV, put away the video games, and read to their child. I speak to you not just as a president, but as a father when I say that responsibility for our children's education must begin at home.”

I really like this qoute it makes me fill like even though he doesn't know me i know he cares and wants me to do good all of use. It's my responsibilties to do it and the adults in my life to help me and all of us do so .This really inspires me after all weve been though and now we can look up to some one. We must ador this moment as we have are first afican american president. I am so thankful for all this and you dont know how i fill right now my mind is going roud and rond and i have tears in my eyes i thought i would never see this day even tough their are still pregidus poeple in this world as a nation we will get stronger and beter. Every thing that comes in my life i will takes advantage of it inorder to make my life better and others life better also !!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


At first, I thought rhyme was just ryming to words together in one sentence, but I learned that rhyme is repating of the sound of the stressed vowels and sounds that follow .

A single black rose.
A single black rose to turn the load,
A single black rose to turn the road,
A single black rose to touch the soul, The title is rose, and the author is Michael Koelliker. The rhyme scheme is raod aa bb .

On my poetry pretest, I was ? grade-level. On my posttest, I hope that I will be A grade-level.

Monday, February 23, 2009

25 random things about Jabriel Jordan

1.I njust found out that anthony is my cuzin .
2.My mind wonders alot.
3.I like when poeple smile at me.
4.Candy is one thing that i love but try not to eat .
5.I like the way chealsea dances .
6.I have alot of clothes in my closet that i dont wear.
7.Latoya mind is in the gutter some times.
8.Random things to me are cool,They can become the topic of my day.
9.I love to do my home work when its fun.
10.My favorte food is mexican food.
11.I have a nine brothers and sisters.
12.I want to be in the nfl if i get as good i want.
13.I cant wiat to have my own car and drive it .
14.I have been a foster kid scence i was two. is what i love.
16.I love to dance.
17.I love to sing.
18.I hate it when poeple comment on stupid things.
19.I dpnt like put downs .
20.I dont care about just looks.
21.I like foot ball
22.I want to fly a plane
23.I wiash i had powers
24.cant wiat to go to college
25.Im on the base ball team.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

" imagery and literal laguage "

At first, I thought imagery was just a picture or sometype of message,but I learned that this was wrong.Actually, imagery is language that apeals to five sentences. I Also I learned about figurative language. I used to think figurative language was speaking a sertain way, but I learned that figurative language iswords or phase that decribes one thing in terms of another and is not meant to be understood on a literal level. The three main types of figurative language are never meant to be under stood on a literal level,language based on some sort of comparison that is not literal true.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

“Figurative Language Games.”

The best figurative language game I played tonight is none of them…, because they all suck . In order to play this game you must get it right , I had to do it over untill i got it right. My final score on this game was 100%. If you want to play this game you should just play it, go to this link Another enjoyable figurative language game is none of them, because they all suck. In order to play this gameget them right. I had to play this dum game. My final score on this game was notjhing . If you want to play this game, go to this link
My least favorite figurative language game is all of them they suck ., because they just suck. In order to play this game you must play it , I had to die. My final score on this game was 100%. If you want to play this game then you woul just play it , go to this

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Third Quarter Goals 2009

This quarter, I will do my best in order to getan A in this class. In order to achieve this i will focus and behaive in class and pay attention. I will set examples and give advice as long as I succeed.

This quarter, no one will desract me and if they try to I will ignore them. I will engage only in my classwork. In order to achieve this my mind will stay focused. I will make sure of this and do my best.

This quarter, i will take my time and put in effort at everything, I will have set-backs . In order to achieve this my work will be my top priority during school.